The Ice Cube
Date of occurrence:
June 8, 2017.
The girls are back with us early today and both are hungry. That is no surprise, because they haven't had breakfast yet. We rectify that situation real quick and in no time Bell and Emma fill their tummies.
While eating, Bell complains that she is cold. There is no surprise there either, because she is sitting right under the air-conditioning vent.
Bell to Emma: "I is cold."
Emma: "Yeah, I am cold too."
Bell: " I is so cold. I will turn into an ice cube."
Uh oh, we can't have that.
We rectify that situation real quick by giving both girls a sweater.
They both agree that is much better.
The girls got here around 6:15 AM and it is only 7:37 AM right now. We better get ready since it looks like this will be one of those days where we will be rectifying situation after situation.
By the time they are gone, we may have a meltdown! Grin.
June 8, 2017.
The girls are back with us early today and both are hungry. That is no surprise, because they haven't had breakfast yet. We rectify that situation real quick and in no time Bell and Emma fill their tummies.
While eating, Bell complains that she is cold. There is no surprise there either, because she is sitting right under the air-conditioning vent.
Emma: "Yeah, I am cold too."
Bell: " I is so cold. I will turn into an ice cube."
Uh oh, we can't have that.
We rectify that situation real quick by giving both girls a sweater.
They both agree that is much better.
The girls got here around 6:15 AM and it is only 7:37 AM right now. We better get ready since it looks like this will be one of those days where we will be rectifying situation after situation.
By the time they are gone, we may have a meltdown! Grin.
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