Edible Fun With Children
You can make some great, edible play dough using the following ingredients:
- 1 cup smooth almond butter (a different nut butter will do fine as well)
- 2 to 3 tablespoons honey or agave
- powdered milk
Stir the (almond) butter and honey in a bowl and add the powdered milk, 1/4 cup at the time. Mix and/or knead it all together until the entire mixture is no longer sticky and has the consistency of play dough. By adding some drops of natural food coloring, you can create different colors.
The children can make all kinds of shapes and figures out of this yummy play dough and when they are done, cleaning up is fun, tasty and pretty easy. Well, if there is anything left to clean up that is. Grin.
See also:
Kids and Crafts
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