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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Can Look....

How often have we been told to look, but not touch when we were a child? I know I have said it to both my children and my grandchildren as well and I realized how much that takes the fun out of things and even prohibits learning.

That is why I was so grateful reading the following activities where it is perfectly alright and even appreciated for kids to look, touch and do. Those outings do not have to cost much either and are fun for everyone involved.

Cheap and fun outdoor activities:

- You could for instance take the kids to a Petting Zoo. Children are fascinated by and love animals. They can hold them, feed them and learn about them and will have a great time.

- Inquire at your local stadium if you can bring your family for an afternoon to practice some sports. At most stadiums that is possible for a small fee. It may be a good way of finding out whether your grand kids would like to get involved in sports and what would appeal to them most.

- Reliving history or experiencing how life was in the old days might be very interesting to the grand kids. There are places all around where the 'good old times' are being re-enacted. It would not only be fun, but also educational for the children to learn how different things were when grandpa and grandma grew up, or their grandparents for that matter.

Here are some good outings for when the weather threatens to rain on your parade:

- There are museums and exhibits especially for kids; those are geared towards the kids participating and experiencing all kinds of different things.

- I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Home Depot has Kids' Clinics every first Saturday of the month. Those are available in the mornings to kids from 5 to 12 years old and children can participate in small building projects.

- Find arts, crafts, pottery and other Workshops near you. Kids will get a thrill out of creating their own art and taking it home with them as well. You may even get hooked on a hobby yourself.

In case you don't know where to find one of the above locations; do a search on the Internet. You might come up with a place near you which you were not aware off yet. Give it a try; it's out there!


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