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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hectic Was A Breeze

Date of occurence:
February 2, 2008
Leo is 3 days old.
Lil' Kc is 8 days away from turning 1 year old.

We apologise for not having posted pics yet. They are not even downloaded, sigh. We told you before the baby was born, it was hectic. Well... hectic was a breeze, compared to what happened since Leo got here.

We took care of our oldest critter till Saturday morning, when April and Leo were dismissed from the hospital. He sure kept us up and busy, but it was a delight to do it.
Ray picked up lil Casey, then April and Leo and the little family went home. They had not even been home for about two hours, when April called, all upset. Her incision had opened up. Before she left the hospital, the staples were taken out and it was taped up. Her wound was ouzing so much, the tape had come loose. She needed to go back to the hospital to have it taken care off. So, all of us packed up, went to their place and took care of both grandsons, while Ray took her to the hospital.

Well, it's weekend and it seems like no one really likes to work, is not on duty, or knows how or what, or maybe they are just overwhelmed. After several hours they came back with tape, bandages and alcohol wipes, being told to tape it up and wait till Monday to make an appointment with her doctor and have him look at it. Amber, April and I got it taped up and it seemed okay, so we went home. Sunday morning the same thing happened, the tape came off again. When we got there, she had spoken to a doctor, who told her to leave it like it was and just try not to move till Monday. However, the wound was not healing at all and we literally could see inside her. Back to the hospital, because we were afraid for infection. Finally, they "packed" the wound and Monday morning she saw the doctor and she is doing fine right now.

In the meantime, their washer was broke. Can't do without with two little ones. So another washer was needed. They found one and installed it. The first load of laundry I did, went well. Great! Problem solved. Nope. With the second load the washer told me to spin it myself and it simply refused to spin ever since. Since Ray can't get off anymore till Saturday, Kc is working, we will have to do the laundry at our home, till it's either fixed or replaced.

If you think that was it, forget it. Their car broke down as well and upon examination the garage told Ray it needed a new motor. It's not worth it, so they have to find another car as well. As tight as their finances are, it is just another burden. But God knows all about it!

April is not allowed to lift heavy, or do too much. So I go over there from 6.30 AM, when Ray is leaving for work, to take care of lil Kc and keep the place up, until Ray gets off work. Which is around 5.30 PM. Everybody is pitching in and today me and Kc got a few hours to ourselves. Amber was off for Mardi Gras and stayed with April the afternoon.

We all are running on grace. God gives what's needed when it's needed and He is our rock. We are grateful to be able to be of help, but looking forward to some relief as well. Most important though, Leo and April are doing fine. :-)

We try to do some work in the wee hours of the morning, since we are up that early, but hardly get around to anything. Please forgive us for not having posted any pics yet. We will as soon as we get the chance and the time! I am already grateful to be able to give y'all an update.


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