Activities III
51. Preschool children are always curious about what's in that building where all the yellow buses go. So play school with your grandchildren and give them an idea of what a school day is like.
52. Up for a chilly swim together? Join your local Polar Bear Club.
53. Enjoy a long, slow bike ride. With or without training wheels.
54. Attend an Oktoberfest. The kids certainly can't enjoy one of Germany's tastiest products, but they can take in all the culture and sample the brats and learn how to dance one of the many polkas.
55. Remember the simple pleasures? Go indulge in one by rolling down a lush hill together.
56. Gather items, make up a list, and have a scavenger hunt both inside and outside.
57. Fall offers the ideal weather for backyard sports. Teach your grandchild how to throw a perfect spiral. Grab some handkerchiefs and play flag football. Set up some empty plastic bottles for a makeshift bowling alley.
58. Have a yard sale. Not only will you de-clutter the garage and attic, you'll make a few bucks in the process, which you know you're going to spend on the grandchildren anyway.
59. Scope out the new fall season on TV and pick one show that you and your grandchild will watch all season. Then, have a post-show discussion about it. This is perfect for long-distance grandparents.
60. Make a holiday centerpiece together.
61. Teach the children — or yourself — how to carve a turkey.
62. Cut up a paper bag and show your grandchildren how you used to make your own book covers — complete with your own decorations.
63. Watch an early sunset together.
64. Catch a meteor shower or eclipse. Use to see when it might happen in your area.
65. No shower in your area? Then, just go out on a clear night and pick the constellations out of the night sky.
66. Explain why the clocks need to be changed during fall and spring and what "Fall back, spring ahead" means.
67. Play card games, such as Go Fish for the little ones, or Hearts for older kids.
68. If you've really got patience, build a house of cards.
69. Start a hobby that's just for you and your grandchild. Bird-watching is big this time of year. See if any new birds that you haven't seen before are passing through during the migration season.
70. You can play and enjoy music at any age. Help your grandchild pick an instrument. Better yet, if you play, teach him yourself.
71. Go to a local petting zoo. Many farms and orchards will have them during the fall season, as will many fairs and festivals.
72. Collect and paint pine cones for decorations around the house, theirs and yours.
73. Some dry cornhusks, a pan of water, string, scissors, and markers are all you need to make cornhusk dolls.
74. Carve a face in an apple and use it as the head for an apple doll. Due to the way apples dry, rarely will the faces look the same.
75. Vote. And if you have a grandchild 18 or older, make sure he or she votes as well.
Our boys are still a bit too small for most of these activities, but it good to keep them in mind for when they grow older.
One thing they both love and like to do is..... listen to music. Our oldest loves to dance to it as well. I might give him a pot and wooden spoon sometime and let him get his own groove. Grin.
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