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Friday, January 16, 2009

Food Poisoning

Date of occurrence:
July 29,2008.

It was Sunday morning 3:30 AM, when the phone rang. Uh, oh, at that time, that can only mean something bad happened. And it had. Both April and Ray got food poisoning and April asked us to watch the kids, while they were going to the ER. Of course we will, no problem.

April was in a better shape then Ray and she didn't need for us to drive them over. She dropped the kids off about half an hour later. Leo was wide awake and as happy as ever, holding his bottle, smiling while he was drinking. Lil' Casey was in his usual fun making mood, although you could notice he knew something was up, since he got woke up so early. That didn't stop him though.

Amber took care of Leo and both disappeared in her bedroom, where they went back to sleep. Lil' Casey had his play cell phone with him and was just happy to sit on the couch, in between us. Talking and laughing. He managed to stay up till about 6, when I took him to the bedroom to put him to sleep.

April and Ray called, they were being taken care off, but it could take a while. Eventually, they got home around 10.30 AM, both feeling a bit better, but exhausted. The medication that was prescribed, took them out for almost the rest of the day.

It was around 5 PM when April came over. She was doing alright and Ray was feeling better, but still not up to snuff. Hopefully he will this morning, since he starts a new job. April and the boys left after 7 and I can tell you one thing, she left three tired people behind, haha. But it was worth it.

A good thing we always are up early. A better thing, we are able to take up the slack when it's needed. Combine that with spending an entire day with the grandchildren, and we have a lot to be thankful for! :-)


Blogger audrey` said...

Food Poisoning... Yucks... Just occured to me =)

17/1/09 6:30 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I know and I hope you feel so much better!


God's Grace.

18/1/09 9:26 AM  

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