Little Heart-Breaker
Date of occurrence:
August 28, 2008.
Kc is 11 days shy from turning 18 months old.

Our little Kc is such a rascal and a huge flirt as well, haha.
The kids stayed with us over the weekend, since there was a tropical storm heading our way and they were advised to leave their home and go to a safe shelter.
Little Kc was up early and kept us company in the office. We leave the door open when we are in it, but close it off when we are not, so he won't get into any mischief.
He knows very well not to play with the door. Although he loves to close it, we forbid him to, in order not to get his little fingers crushed. Of course, he tries anyway.
Yesterday morning, he tried it again, in spite of several warnings. I looked sternly at him and said: "Oma is getting very angry with you!"
He examined me closely, saw I was serious and then..... puckered his lips, ran towards me and gave me a kiss. Aawwww, that melted my heart. The little brat knew it too. He turned around and thought that had done the trick and he found the 'pass-word' to play with the door.
Hah, no go! Again I warned him with the same sentence and again he puckered up and gave me a kiss. He didn't try to play with the door anymore after that. I suspect he thought it would be wiser to listen. I am glad he did, because he sure came close to winning me over. :-)
Oh dear, I suspect we got a little heart-breaker on our hands!
August 28, 2008.
Kc is 11 days shy from turning 18 months old.
Our little Kc is such a rascal and a huge flirt as well, haha.
The kids stayed with us over the weekend, since there was a tropical storm heading our way and they were advised to leave their home and go to a safe shelter.
Little Kc was up early and kept us company in the office. We leave the door open when we are in it, but close it off when we are not, so he won't get into any mischief.
He knows very well not to play with the door. Although he loves to close it, we forbid him to, in order not to get his little fingers crushed. Of course, he tries anyway.
Yesterday morning, he tried it again, in spite of several warnings. I looked sternly at him and said: "Oma is getting very angry with you!"
He examined me closely, saw I was serious and then..... puckered his lips, ran towards me and gave me a kiss. Aawwww, that melted my heart. The little brat knew it too. He turned around and thought that had done the trick and he found the 'pass-word' to play with the door.
Hah, no go! Again I warned him with the same sentence and again he puckered up and gave me a kiss. He didn't try to play with the door anymore after that. I suspect he thought it would be wiser to listen. I am glad he did, because he sure came close to winning me over. :-)
Oh dear, I suspect we got a little heart-breaker on our hands!
Our Lil KC is so cute and adorable =)
... and a little rascal too, haha.
God's Grace.
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