Open Sesame
Date of occurrence:
October 11, 2008.
Kc is 20 months old.
Children grow up so fast. Literally, I mean. Our oldest little critter has grown to the point, where he can open the doors now. And he takes advantage of that, every chance he gets. That means: beware and have eyes in the back of your head! Not that we did not need those before!
There are some ' door child proofers' available in the stores, but I can not open them either then. It takes a special skill, which I seem to have lost due to my RA. So, it would not only be baby-proof, but Oma-proof as well. That may seem funny, but not very handy.
So far, we have gotten by with locking doors and putting baby-gates in front of the ones that can not be locked from the inside. Prods the question: How long will it take for him to climb over them? At the rate he is growing.... not that long!

He gets through though, even when the doors are locked. He knocks on the door and either says: "Heyyyyyy!", or lays down in front of the door and peeks through the slit between door and floor, sticking his little fingers through. Sometimes, he just keeps knocking.
Yeah, he always gets through... to my heart. :-)
October 11, 2008.
Kc is 20 months old.
Children grow up so fast. Literally, I mean. Our oldest little critter has grown to the point, where he can open the doors now. And he takes advantage of that, every chance he gets. That means: beware and have eyes in the back of your head! Not that we did not need those before!
There are some ' door child proofers' available in the stores, but I can not open them either then. It takes a special skill, which I seem to have lost due to my RA. So, it would not only be baby-proof, but Oma-proof as well. That may seem funny, but not very handy.
So far, we have gotten by with locking doors and putting baby-gates in front of the ones that can not be locked from the inside. Prods the question: How long will it take for him to climb over them? At the rate he is growing.... not that long!
He gets through though, even when the doors are locked. He knocks on the door and either says: "Heyyyyyy!", or lays down in front of the door and peeks through the slit between door and floor, sticking his little fingers through. Sometimes, he just keeps knocking.
Yeah, he always gets through... to my heart. :-)
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