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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Doctor In The House

Date of occurrence:
August 10, 2015.

It is way too hot to play outside, so Isabella decides to piddle around with Lily for as long as Mom will let her.

Kiss after kiss she plants on her little sister's forehead, until Mom says it is time for Lily to take a nap.

That's a bummer. What to do next?

Oh, wait. Maggie the dog is still there and she is just lying around. That can only mean two things; she must either be available to play, or she is sick.

The poor dog is taking her siesta and has no clue as to whom and/or what is coming her way.

Bell wants to eliminate the possibility that Maggie might be sick and decides to give her best friend a thorough examination.

Watch out, Maggie. The doctor is in the house!


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