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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Handle With Care

Date of occurrence:
August 8, 2015.

To earn his Bear badge as a Cub Scout, Kc has to learn how to handle and use a pocket knife responsibly. He is ready for it and we decided to give him one.

He actually got two; one for keepsake and one for use. The latter is the kind he really wanted and our little man is elated when Opa hands him the pocket knife.

His first reaction is: "Awesome!" followed by: "That's the knife I wanted."

He can't wait to put it to good use. Before he can, he has to go over the rules. He knows them inside out and has no problem demonstrating how to carve and explaining the Circle of Blood and the Triangle of Death.

We give him a bar of soap to practice on and to get acquainted with and accustomed to his knife. The first bar was set out to be a car, but ends up being a 'gun'? It takes quite some imagination to see the shape of a gun in it, but eventually we can.

The second bar ends up as intended; a cross. One of the legs broke off while carving the last part, but we managed to 'soap' it back on. It's not bad for a start, not bad at all.

We keep impressing on him the very first thing Opa taught him and Kc minds it very well.

Handle it with care!


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