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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Date of occurrence:
July 29, 2015.

Since we were in the neighborhood, we thought we would surprise Mom and Lily with a visit. The kids had all made a cute drawing and we had some chocolate treats for Mom to feast upon.

We got to the room, knocked on the door, opened it and......both Mom and baby had flown the coup. We waited for her to return, but it took too long. We spread the drawings out on her bed with the other sweet gift next to it and left.

We tried to call her, but she didn't answer. She called us back when we were already on the way home and was very happy with the pictures and gift, but was also sorry she missed us.

She had been down stairs while Lily was in the nursery and was pleasantly surprised upon her return to her room. Oh well, these things happen.

Maybe we will try again tomorrow!


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