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Monday, December 28, 2015

Isabella Scissorhands

Date of occurrence:
November 11, 2015.

Our little Isabella managed to lay her hands on a pair of scissors when Mom wasn't looking.

I suppose, just like me, your imagination runs wild thinking about all that can happen when an almost three-year-old is in possession of scissors.

Yup, she decided to cut off her pony tail.

When Mom returned into the living room, she found strands of hair on the floor and the couch. Unaware of what had taken place, she at first thought it was the dog's hair.

When it finally dawned on her that the dog wasn't blond and didn't have long hair, she checked Bell and realized what had happened.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been. By cutting off her pony tail, Isabella gave herself a perfectly layered, new hairdo.

And a new name too: Isabella Scissorhands!


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