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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fall Fest

Date of occurrence:
October 30, 2015.

The annual Fall Fest is being held at Kc's school today and he is looking forward to having fun time with Mom, Bella, Lily, and me.

He goes to school dressed up as Clark Kent, aka Superman. He sure looks cool with his shirt open, revealing his Superman uniform underneath and the iconic curl adorning his forehead.

We are a little too early: Kc is not out of class yet to join us, but we don't have to wait very long. He takes off his outfit so he can move easier and play and dance to his heart's content.

Bell gets a butterfly painted on her face and Kc decided he wanted to look like a vampire. They ate, danced, jumped and ran around.

Except for Lily of course.

She slept most of the time. The cacophony didn't bother her one bit.

Too her it was the Fall Asleep Fest!


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