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Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Sock Ball Fight

Date of occurrence:
December 14, 2015.

Today is the last Cub Scout meeting for this year and something special is planned for the scouts.

Everyone had to bring in a pack of white socks which would be donated to shelters for the homeless, after they had been used for a fun activity.

No one, except the Scout leader, had a clue what that activity was going to be. Not even when the socks were taken out of the packs, rolled up as balls, and put in baskets.

The boys were directed outside where they had the Southern version of a snowball fight: a sock ball fight.

It was great fun. Sock balls flew everywhere and of course our little man couldn't resist throwing several at his aunt and Oma.

Well, what can I say? Repercussions were in order. Grin.

After the fight they were treated to hot chocolate, cookies, and cupcakes.

It was a sweet end to a sweet scout year!


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