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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Party Animals

Date of occurrence:
December 3, 2015.

Since time has changed, Kc is up before his alarm clock (which is me) wakes him. Not this morning though and I gently try to get him into the land of the living.

Me: "Kc. It is time to wake up."
He rolls on his back and says: "I am not going to wake up. I had to blow up a hundred balloons last night."

I immediately understand he had a dream and start laughing.
Me: "A hundred balloons, huh? You sure must be tired. Why did you have to blow up all those balloons?"
Kc: "Because Beary (his stuffed bear) had a party. I had to blow up balloons while he was unwrapping presents."

That explains a lot. I sometimes find pillows and almost all stuffed animals on the floor instead of in bed. Now I know why.

They are party animals!


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