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Saturday, April 16, 2016


Date of occurrence:
February 6, 2016.

Kc's ninth Birthday is right around the corner and he is having his party today. Our family, a friend from school and his neighbor friend are invited and he is looking forward to it.

He loves all the presents he gets, but the big surprise is yet to come. He has no clue as to what we and Aunt A. have in store for him. Aunt A. gives him a package. As he unwraps it, it reveals a helmet.

He is puzzled. He likes it, but does not really understand what he needs a helmet for. Mom ushers him into the kitchen to help her cut off the tags. It is a distraction from aunt A. bringing in the present that goes with the helmet.

He comes back into the living room and is wearing the helmet.

I ask him if he likes it. "Yeah, but I don't know what I would wear it for."

I smile and say: "Do you think it would go with this?" I point at the bike behind me. He looks and his jaw literally drops. He stands there for a second, totally speechless, and stares at his new, red bike.

He goes over to take a good look at it from all angles and finally manages to utter a "Wow".

It has to be put to good use right away and we go outside. Within no time he has mastered his new vehicle and rides up and down the yard without any problems and as proud as a peacock.

Happy Birthday, Kc. Surprise!!!:-)


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