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Friday, February 26, 2016

At The End

Date of occurrence:
January 18, 2016.

Suppertime has come and gone and we are settling in for the evening. We are watching TV and Kc is lying against me on the couch, covered up with a blanket.

All of a sudden, he takes one of his feet out from under the blanket, holds it up in the air and says: "Oma, look. My foot is all the way at the end."
I bust out laughing and tell him: "I sure would hope so."

The realization of what he just said sets in and we both laugh until our tummies hurt. He agrees it would look rather silly if his foot wasn't all the way at the end, but under your arm instead.

I am not sure what he meant to say and I got the impression he didn't either. It is hard to tell sometimes as to where those little minds go, but in this case we know where it went.

All the way to the end! Grin.


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