Blue And Gold Banquet
Date of occurrence:
March 7, 2016.
All the cub scouts have been working hard towards their next rank. Even though they are not there yet, they will be awarded with the badges and belt loops they have earned so far at the Blue and Gold banquet.
Today is that day and Kc can hardly wait for the award ceremony to start.
He is very excited about receiving his belt loops, but foremost about getting his whittling chip which allows him to carry a pocket knife.
After obtaining his awards, he can't stop looking at them. They are another feather in his cap and our little man is as proud as a peacock of his achievements.
I suppose that is why the banquet is called 'Blue and Gold'! Grin.
March 7, 2016.
All the cub scouts have been working hard towards their next rank. Even though they are not there yet, they will be awarded with the badges and belt loops they have earned so far at the Blue and Gold banquet.
He is very excited about receiving his belt loops, but foremost about getting his whittling chip which allows him to carry a pocket knife.
After obtaining his awards, he can't stop looking at them. They are another feather in his cap and our little man is as proud as a peacock of his achievements.
I suppose that is why the banquet is called 'Blue and Gold'! Grin.
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