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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Embracing The Shade

Our 6 year old granddaughter is spending the summer vacation with us. That is tons of fun, but it also means being aware keeping her out of the sun as much as possible. With her bright red hair and extremely fair complexion, she is prone to end up with a sunburn in no time.

Since we know that, we ensure to use a good sunscreen. Even though we apply it liberally and regularly, she can't stay out in the sun very long. She doesn't really like that. All the games and action take place there, but she will have to learn to embrace the shade.

That actually goes for all of us who live in parts of the world where the sun shines in abundance. We may not always be able to avoid the UV rays and it would be wise to have regular check-ups with a dermatologist. They will detect skin cancer in an early stage and can help with all kinds of other skin problems.

For an excellent "skin specialist delhi" would be a great place to find one and take care of any and all skin related problems. Whether it concerns aesthetics or dermatologic troubles, they can cure it all. We only have one skin and taking good care of it is of the utmost priority!


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