Critter's Cooings Part VI
Date of occurence:
April 30, 2008.
Leo is 3 months old and Kc is almost 15 months old.
Hey you guys!!! It's been a while since I have been talking to y'all, but I finally got around to it, as you can see. I stole Opa's chair while he wasn't looking. Yup, I got in it myself, since I climb up and down chairs and couches these days. Even coffee tables, but they won't let me do that. Why not? Beats me! Oma already got everything off of it when I am around. I like to investigate, hehe.
I am walking and running around for quit a while now. That can get me in trouble, but since they "baby-proof" and close all the doors, there is not much mischief I can get into. Besides, it doesn't bother me when the doors are closed. I lay in front of them and peek through the slits under the doors. Sometimes even try to stick my hands through and even talk through it. They ain't fooling me, hehe. Oma thinks that's both clever and funny.
Oma is dancing with me. She picks me up, holds her hand up, I put mine in hers and then we swirl around. I love it! She says I am always in such a good disposition, hehe. I like to make people laugh. Sometimes I just go like "hehe", watch how they react, go like "hehehe" again and they all start laughing.
Look how many teeth I already got and they are still coming in by the truckload. My hair has grown too and I have all those curls. No use brushing them, they stick out any way the can. Opa calls me "Cotton top, curly mop", haha.
Oma calls me "Squirmy boy", since I can't (or rather won't) sit still, haha. Too much to see and do. Except when I need to nap. No fooling around when Oma lays me down. No matter how hard I try. Make her laugh, share my pacifier with her ( just yank it in her mouth when she least expects it, grin), or try and explore her face and hair. Nope, "night-night" is "night-night"! That's okay, when she lays her hand on my forehead, I am usually off to dream land.
I like sharing, you wanna play with my toys? :-D
What I like most is eating!! Each time Oma goes to the kitchen, I run after her and go like: "Mmmmm"! No problem when it's time to eat and a snack in between is easy to get as well. But boy, that woman is hard to convince, after my tummy is full. Yeah, I would eat all the time if they would let me, sigh.
There are some comprehensive words coming out of my mouth, I still babble along a lot. I'll get the hang of it, hehe. The other day, Mom came to get me after I got up in the morning and I said: "Hi Momma". I could wrap her around my little fingers for the rest of the day, grin.
I wanted to talk about my brother Leo, but Oma says he needs to have his own space. Duh, like he can hit these keys. Not! Those little hands go anyway but where he wants him to. I love him though. I try to share my toys with him but Mom says he is still too little, so I give him kisses instead.
Me and Leo have been dedicated in church last Sunday. I am not sure yet what that means, but I have faith Mom and Dad will do a good job. Actually, both bro and me can rest assured the entire family will. :-D
I hope y'all are doing well. Gotta go now folks. I will try to get back sooner next time. I know you can't see it, but I am waving bye-bye! :-D
April 30, 2008.
Leo is 3 months old and Kc is almost 15 months old.

I am walking and running around for quit a while now. That can get me in trouble, but since they "baby-proof" and close all the doors, there is not much mischief I can get into. Besides, it doesn't bother me when the doors are closed. I lay in front of them and peek through the slits under the doors. Sometimes even try to stick my hands through and even talk through it. They ain't fooling me, hehe. Oma thinks that's both clever and funny.
Oma is dancing with me. She picks me up, holds her hand up, I put mine in hers and then we swirl around. I love it! She says I am always in such a good disposition, hehe. I like to make people laugh. Sometimes I just go like "hehe", watch how they react, go like "hehehe" again and they all start laughing.

Oma calls me "Squirmy boy", since I can't (or rather won't) sit still, haha. Too much to see and do. Except when I need to nap. No fooling around when Oma lays me down. No matter how hard I try. Make her laugh, share my pacifier with her ( just yank it in her mouth when she least expects it, grin), or try and explore her face and hair. Nope, "night-night" is "night-night"! That's okay, when she lays her hand on my forehead, I am usually off to dream land.

What I like most is eating!! Each time Oma goes to the kitchen, I run after her and go like: "Mmmmm"! No problem when it's time to eat and a snack in between is easy to get as well. But boy, that woman is hard to convince, after my tummy is full. Yeah, I would eat all the time if they would let me, sigh.
There are some comprehensive words coming out of my mouth, I still babble along a lot. I'll get the hang of it, hehe. The other day, Mom came to get me after I got up in the morning and I said: "Hi Momma". I could wrap her around my little fingers for the rest of the day, grin.
I wanted to talk about my brother Leo, but Oma says he needs to have his own space. Duh, like he can hit these keys. Not! Those little hands go anyway but where he wants him to. I love him though. I try to share my toys with him but Mom says he is still too little, so I give him kisses instead.
Me and Leo have been dedicated in church last Sunday. I am not sure yet what that means, but I have faith Mom and Dad will do a good job. Actually, both bro and me can rest assured the entire family will. :-D
I hope y'all are doing well. Gotta go now folks. I will try to get back sooner next time. I know you can't see it, but I am waving bye-bye! :-D
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