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Good Morning!  We'll be looking for snips and snails!  Good to see you.  Come back soon!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Loving The Outdoors

Date of occurrence:
September 2, 2008.
Kc is almost 19 months old.

Our little Kc loves to stand in front of the window and watch our dog in the yard. Each time he sees her walk by, he points, turns around to us and says:" Og!" or "uppy", meaning dog, or puppy. When he does not see her around, he knocks on the window and hopes she will hear it and come to check out the noise.

He is accustomed to having a cat around and could get all excited, watching her and dragging her all over the place, literally. Poor cat, she learned to stay out of his way though and he does not see her that much anymore. She is an outside cat.

He sure loves animals and is not afraid of them at all. I hope the weather will cool off soon, so we can spend some time outside again. I know he would love that. He constantly walks up to the door and indicates he wants to go outside.

We ought to get him a little pool! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning Lit'l Buddy,

Sorry I had visited before now but grandpaw ron has been busy and just hadn't been on computer much ? When I can I just read and see what's new ? You are growing by the bunches ! You just keep on learning new stuff and before you know you'll be teaching Oma and Opa how to learn new stuff ? You know the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks believe me you can ? These two grand daughters have been busy trying to manipilate me and have been a little sucessful at it ? I just have to grin and bear it and then I just have to speak a little rough at them . Then I usually can get them straightened out ! I been enjoying the stories Oma has been writing about ya'll ?
I don't know how long Opa has got to dip water to pay the rent but He has to have worn out about two dozen buckets by now ? I kind of understand , its hard to get good help ? When you grow up maybe you and Leo can help him if He ain't to hard headed ?
BTW-- Have you learned how to spit very far yet !

grandpaw ron .

17/2/09 7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandpaw Ron,
Opa is still as busy as a little beaver and if he is not, Leo and I keep him busy, hehe.

Oh, my brother and I know all about that manipulation thing. We try it, does not always work though, sigh.

It is good to see you around and leaving a comment. As long as you are doing well, that is the most important thing.

Oma says to tell you that we keep y'all in our prayers.

Have a very blessed day. A hug from both Leo and me.

18/2/09 8:25 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

This is a vey nice photo. Lil KC's expression is captured so clearly here =)

27/2/09 3:15 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Aww, thanks. We try to get the best pictures we can.

God's Grace.

28/2/09 10:54 AM  

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