Terrible Twos
Date of occurrence:
October 18, 2008.
Little Kc is in his terrible twos.
I suppose, it was inevitable. We were warned about the terrible twos and yes, occasionally they are rearing their ugly little heads. Lil' Kc is testing the boundaries. Not a bad thing and it can even be funny at times.
It constantly amazes me, how much he already understands. He is also getting pretty skilled in recognizing, and playing on people's personalities. He knows, whom he can get what he wants from, by being persistent. He is fully aware, who is being persistent in him not constantly getting what he wants.
This morning, he was playing with the door, opening and closing it. I told him to stop. I would hate for him to get his little fingers caught between the door and the post. He looked at me and let out a scream of discontent. And another one. At this point, I diverted him, which worked well.
Not much later, he played with the door again. Once more I warned him and got another scream thrown at me. I looked at him and asked if he needed a time-out. The little rascal shook his head. "Okay, then do not scream at Oma anymore!"
That is where the battle of the wills began. He stared at me for a while, I stared back at him. Finally, he decided he was not going to get over on me and resumed his play with something else, like a sweet little boy.
I could not help but smile. In spite of his testing, he is one of Oma's sweet little boys. :-)
October 18, 2008.
Little Kc is in his terrible twos.
I suppose, it was inevitable. We were warned about the terrible twos and yes, occasionally they are rearing their ugly little heads. Lil' Kc is testing the boundaries. Not a bad thing and it can even be funny at times.
This morning, he was playing with the door, opening and closing it. I told him to stop. I would hate for him to get his little fingers caught between the door and the post. He looked at me and let out a scream of discontent. And another one. At this point, I diverted him, which worked well.
Not much later, he played with the door again. Once more I warned him and got another scream thrown at me. I looked at him and asked if he needed a time-out. The little rascal shook his head. "Okay, then do not scream at Oma anymore!"
That is where the battle of the wills began. He stared at me for a while, I stared back at him. Finally, he decided he was not going to get over on me and resumed his play with something else, like a sweet little boy.
I could not help but smile. In spite of his testing, he is one of Oma's sweet little boys. :-)
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