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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Round And Round And Round He Goes

Date of occurrence:
April 26, 2014.

The fair is in town and that can not be passed up. Mom and dad take Levi for a first hand experience of this colorful and exciting event and I can only imagine what a long-lasting impression that must have made.

Just think of the tantalizing smell of cotton candy, fresh roasted peanuts and other delicious foods caressing the nostrils. And then there are all those great rides which must have had an irresistible attraction on our little guy.

He must have been overjoyed when he got to take a ride on the Merry-Go-Round. He sure was proud being able to sit behind the wheel of the bus and, under dad's supervision, driving it around.

Round and round and round he goes. Where he stops, nobody knows!


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