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Friday, January 16, 2015

Out Of Hand

Date of occurrence:
April 7, 2014.

Seeing how many pictures we have of our little guy munching on some snack or consuming a meal, I can only come to the conclusion Levi loves to eat. I can't blame him; there is nothing better than pleasing the taste buds by presenting them with a savory treat.

It sure seems like he doesn't shy away from macaroni either. Mom served up one tasty dish and Levi is determined to fully clean his plate.

There is no need for a fork or a spoon. Let's get real here for a moment; why use utensils when you have five on each hand at your disposal?

That's a good point, but there is one not so helpful disadvantage to those little fingers. You guessed it; they have the tendency to grab anything and everything else too.

After shoving on a hand full of macaroni in his mouth, it can and will get quickly out of hand. The picture is good proof of that and I guess I already know what's for dessert.

Yup, a hot bath!


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