The Mud Kitchen
Date of occurrence:
May 4, 2014.
Kc is looking forward to playing with and in the mud kitchen. The what? It is as clear as mud to me as to what a mud kitchen is, but he is more then happy to explain it to me: it's a kitchen in which you cook and bake with wet soil of course.
That is nothing to sling mud at and I can imagine it must be great fun. You get to play with mud and no one is going to be mad when you and your clothes are all mucked up. It is all legit. Besides, who could even remotely come close to getting angry when offered a mud pie baked with love?
Yes, I get the picture and since I don't want my name to be mud, I am sharing it with you! :-)
May 4, 2014.
That is nothing to sling mud at and I can imagine it must be great fun. You get to play with mud and no one is going to be mad when you and your clothes are all mucked up. It is all legit. Besides, who could even remotely come close to getting angry when offered a mud pie baked with love?
Yes, I get the picture and since I don't want my name to be mud, I am sharing it with you! :-)
Blessed Easter, Lieve Zus! :)
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