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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fired Up

Date of occurrence:
November 10, 2014.

It is so cool being a Cub Scout; you get to do all kinds of things you normally wouldn't do and get to see and visit some exciting places. The Fire Department is one of them and a visit, including a tour, is scheduled for today's Cub Scout meeting.

Instead of gathering at their regular stumping grounds, the scouts are supposed to meet at one of the local fire stations. I usually accompany Kc to his meetings, but since I have been battling a massive headache the entire day, aunt A. volunteers to go with him.

Our little man has been excited and looking forward to it ever since he got up this morning.

He comes back even more excited and sure had a big time.

He is not the only one; his aunt did as well and it is easy to tell how much they enjoyed the tour.

They are both fired up!


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