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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Calling The Kids

Date of occurrence:
November 9, 2014.

We called Leo and Emmaly today and got to see them on Face-time. Since Emmaly was still eating her supper, Leo kept us busy. He said he wanted to show us some tricks. That sounded great, until we found out how dangerous his 'tricks' were; he climbed on his bunk bed, hung upside down and jumped off of it.

Both kids were doing well and Leo showed us he had another loose tooth. When Kc got to talk to his brother, he told him he was a bobcat scout now and working towards earning his wolf badge. Leo didn't believe him until Kc showed him his Cub Scout shirt with the already earned badge.

We are looking forward to seeing the kids up close and personal again. That will only take about two more weeks or so, because they will be coming over for Thanksgiving and stay all week. A little over two weeks; that is still a long time.

We miss those little critters!


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