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Sunday, August 16, 2015

It Tastes Like Love

Date of occurrence:
March 25, 2015.

Kc loves being a cub scout and since one of the requirements in his handbook was to organize and take part in an outdoor meal, we decided to teach him how to handle the barbeque and do some grilling.

He helped putting the menu together, put the chicken on the grill and turn it. It was his first taste of barbeque, figuratively and literally speaking and he loved the grilled chicken. He said it was the best he ever had.

Today we are having the left-overs and upon my question if he wants some chicken he doesn't hesitate and says: "Yes, of course I do. It tastes like love".

I smile and ask him: "Do you know why?"

He has no clue and I tell him: "Because it is made with love".

He grins and knows there is no denying that!


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