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Monday, August 10, 2015

Scary Noises

Date of occurrence:
March 2, 2015.

After having done his homework, our little man has some time to kill before it is time to get ready for the cub scouts. I am in the process of fixing supper and Opa is otherwise engaged, so he decides to watch some TV.

A few minutes pass when he suddenly asks if I want to come and watch with him. I tell him I can't since I am in the middle of preparing our meal, but I do like to know what he is watching. He chose to watch some of the R.L. Stine recordings of the Haunting Hour.

I ask him if it is scary, which he denies. He does pose the question if I am sure I don't want to come and join him. I should have seen the writing on the wall, but since I wasn't wearing my glasses I overlooked it.

The evening marches on and by the time I go to bed, Kc should have been sound asleep. As I am about to shut the door I hear: "Oma?"

I check on him and find him sitting up in bed. He is holding one of his stuffed animals which has a build-in flashlight and is shining the light all around his room.

Me: "What's up, little man?"
Kc: "Every time I try to go to sleep something wakes me up."
Me: "What is it that keeps waking you up? Is it a noise, or something else?"
Kc: "A noise".

Upon my question what kind of noise, he makes a low, growling sound. Then it dawns on me and I can't help but smile. He is scared. The 'Haunting Hour' got to him.

I assure him everything is okay, tuck him in and tell him I will leave his door wide open. He is happy with that and turns off his stuffed animal's light.

Note to self: no more scary stuff in the evening for this little man.

It comes back to haunt him!


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