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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pinewood Derby Car Race

Date of occurrence:
March 7, 2015.

About a month ago Kc got a Pinewood Derby Car Kit from the Cub Scouts with the instructions to fabricate a car out of it for the upcoming Derby Car Race.

None of us had done this before. Since we didn't want our little man to cut off more then just the excessive wood, Opa carved the rough outline.

Kc and I sanded and painted the car. Weights were strategically placed and little man chose the decals and designated the places where they needed to go on the car. We were very pleased with the results. It came out looking good.

It's the day of the race and low and behold, Kc's car comes in second in the Wolf pack category. That's not bad seeing how it is his first race. It's not bad at all, and he is happy with the trophy.

So are we. We are even happier with the fact that he was a good sport and offered his heartfelt congratulations to his winning team mate.

Kc had so much fun and enjoyed it immensly.

He is already looking forward to next year's race!


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