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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Leo's 7th Birthday

Date of occurrence:
January 30, 2015.

Today is Leo's 7th Birthday and we call to sing to him and wish him a very Happy Birthday.

He is having a great day and told us he was making good grades at school.

We opened the flood gates by asking how his day was, because he went through great length giving us a very detailed account of his entire day at school.

He sure made out like a bandit where the presents were concerned. He got a lot of cars, a Scooby-Doo book, and a bike. Yes, it still had the training wheels on and upon asking if he liked to read, the answer was loud and clear: "No".

He also told us that T ball hadn't started yet and he is not going to have a party. That's okay, Munchkin Man.

We are having one for you in our hearts!


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