The Birthday Girl
Date of occurrence:
January 11, 2015.
Today is Isabella's birthday and our little beanie baby is already turning two years old.We had a party planned, but everyone is sick and at the last minute we thought it best to postphone the party.
As it usually goes with that last minute stuff, it doesn't always go as intended. Mom didn't listen to her voice message and before we could get a hold of her, she and the Birthday girl showed up on our doorstep.
We weren't about to spoil the little critter's party and we roled with the punches. She got her party, even though it was not as big and elaborate as we had planned.
She loved all the attention and her presents. I am not so sure about the cake. After her first bite, her face turned rather serious.
She needed another bite to determine if she liked it. And another! Grin.
January 11, 2015.

As it usually goes with that last minute stuff, it doesn't always go as intended. Mom didn't listen to her voice message and before we could get a hold of her, she and the Birthday girl showed up on our doorstep.
She loved all the attention and her presents. I am not so sure about the cake. After her first bite, her face turned rather serious.
She needed another bite to determine if she liked it. And another! Grin.
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