Putting It To The Test
Date of occurrence:
January 3, 2015.
No, Levi did not go back to sleeping in a crib. He is just testing it out.
He wants to ensure it is sturdy and safe enough to hold his new baby-brother.
It is only a matter of another couple of months before the crib will be put to good use, but as far as Levi is concerned, it would suit him too.
I don't think so, little guy. You are already way too big to sleep in a crib. I am glad though you tried it out, examined it closely and thoroughly, and ensured it passed your inspection.
You sure put it to the test!
January 3, 2015.

He wants to ensure it is sturdy and safe enough to hold his new baby-brother.
It is only a matter of another couple of months before the crib will be put to good use, but as far as Levi is concerned, it would suit him too.
I don't think so, little guy. You are already way too big to sleep in a crib. I am glad though you tried it out, examined it closely and thoroughly, and ensured it passed your inspection.
You sure put it to the test!
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