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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Bubble Gum Boy

Date of occurrence:
August 30, 2015.

Kc loves chewing bubble gum. He recently got a pack from his Mom and asked if he could have some. Sure, go ahead.

He gets a few pieces of bubble gum and, after chewing for several minutes, begins to blow bubbles. Some are small and others are rather large.

He is pretty pleased with himself and the thought that this needed to be saved in his scrapbook for posterity crosses his mind.

Kc: "Did you see that, Oma?"
Me: "Yeah, that was a big one."
Kc: "Why don't you take a video of it and put that in my book?"
Me: "I can't put a video in your book, but we can put a picture in it."
Kc: "Okay. I will get the camera and you take the picture."

He achieves his goal and his accomplishment is documented in his book!


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