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Friday, January 22, 2016

Christmas Eve

Date of occurrence:
December 24, 2015.

Christmas Eve has finally arrived. The carefully chosen presents are heaped up under the tree. They are waiting to make their way to the person whose name Santa has left on them.

They don't have to wait very much longer. The kids and grand kids are coming over tonight to enjoy a meal, prepared by our youngest daughter, and to open their gifts.

After having enjoyed the very tasty meal, we all gather around in anticipation.

Lily hasn't got a clue about what's going on. Bell parades up and down in her little black dress and just can't wait. She has asked me already several times when to open the presents from 'Sanna Caus'.

Kc is excited and has been looking forward to this moment for quite a while now.

The gifts are a great success, but some of the presents will have to wait a little longer to be opened. Leo and Emmaly are not here yet. They will arrive tomorrow afternoon. That is no problem.

There is lots of Christmas cheer to go around!


Blogger audrey` said...

Hope and pray that you and all your loved ones are protected from the monster snowstorm that are affecting many parts of USA now, Lieve Zus (((HUGS))) Try to stay dry, warm and safe. Take care.

22/1/16 10:27 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thanks, lieve zus. We are experiencing some really cold weather, but no snow here. The heater is running and we are toasty warm.

I honestly wish we would get some snow. I would love to build a snowman and have a snow ball fight with little Kc. Grin.

How are you and yours? We remember y'all in our prayers.

Love and (((HUGS))).
God's Grace.

23/1/16 5:12 AM  

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