Watching Lily
Date of occurrence:
November 20, 2015.
Our youngest daughter is about to undertake the long journey to pick up Leo and Emmaly and we are looking forward to baby-sitting little Lily. Mom drops her off around 10 AM and hits the road.
Lily is a little over three months old now. She is very easy-going, almost constantly smiling, and talks up a storm when I am interacting with her. The only time she fusses is when she is hungry.
I lay her down on the play mat to fix her bottle and when I come back, she has almost rolled over on her tummy.
Almost, because her left arm is in the way and won't allow her to complete her quest. That doesn't take long though.
Lily is determined and tries again. I am watching as she rolls on her side and is faced with the same obstacle. She doesn't give up this time. Her little right hand claws and pulls while she puts all her weight into getting over the 'hump'.
She gets pretty frustrated and lets out some aggravated sounds. It is not in vein and she finally manages to roll on her tummy for the first time. Way to go, Lily!
The rest of the day goes by quickly. She eats, sleeps, and plays for a long time on the mat.
The colorful toys hanging over her head have her mesmerized and prod her to reach out and grab them.
What she loves most is being held and sit in my lap. That suits me to a tee and we ensure there is plenty of that to go around.
Her disposition reminds us a lot of Kc and she even looks like him when he was that age.
Around 8:30 PM Mom returns with the kids. After a quick hello and some hugs they all return home. Silence sets in and I suddenly realize how exhausted I am.
Watching Lily is worth it though!
November 20, 2015.
Our youngest daughter is about to undertake the long journey to pick up Leo and Emmaly and we are looking forward to baby-sitting little Lily. Mom drops her off around 10 AM and hits the road.

I lay her down on the play mat to fix her bottle and when I come back, she has almost rolled over on her tummy.
Almost, because her left arm is in the way and won't allow her to complete her quest. That doesn't take long though.
Lily is determined and tries again. I am watching as she rolls on her side and is faced with the same obstacle. She doesn't give up this time. Her little right hand claws and pulls while she puts all her weight into getting over the 'hump'.
She gets pretty frustrated and lets out some aggravated sounds. It is not in vein and she finally manages to roll on her tummy for the first time. Way to go, Lily!

The colorful toys hanging over her head have her mesmerized and prod her to reach out and grab them.
What she loves most is being held and sit in my lap. That suits me to a tee and we ensure there is plenty of that to go around.
Her disposition reminds us a lot of Kc and she even looks like him when he was that age.
Around 8:30 PM Mom returns with the kids. After a quick hello and some hugs they all return home. Silence sets in and I suddenly realize how exhausted I am.
Watching Lily is worth it though!
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