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Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Happy And Not So Happy Easter

Date of occurrence:
March 27, 2016.

A very Happy Easter!

Both Levi and Daley have no problem with that.

They brighten the day with their smiles and who wouldn't show their pearly whites with such cute buns on the table staring at you?

It is Bunny bread for sure!

It is not such a happy Easter in our home. Opa got real sick last week and could barely breath, sleep, or move around.

He had to see several doctors and is on all kinds of medications now. It is slow going, but he is getting a little better each day.

Unfortunately, Leo and Emmaly couldn't come over. They were supposed to spend Easter with us, but since Opa got sick, they couldn't stay with us while Mom was at work.

Even Kc had to stay with his Mom who took him to school and ensured there was someone to pick him up afterwards and watch over him until she got home.

Even though we didn't take part in the Easter celebrations, in our hearts we still rejoiced in the rising of our Lord!


Blogger audrey` said...

How is Brother KC now, Lieve Zus? Take care.

18/6/16 8:14 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

He is doing fine. He says he feels better now than before he got sick. Just the pollen and high humidity still have an effect on him.
We are grateful for his recovery though!

God's Grace.

19/6/16 6:11 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Praise God! :)

26/6/16 3:39 PM  

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