Time Together
Date of occurrence:
May 27, 2017.
All day long Kc has been on pins and needles for his siblings to arrive and spend their summer vacation down here.
Leo and Emmaly finally get here around 5:30 PM. They sure have grown, but that was to be expected.
Emmaly looks different with her permanent front teeth and her hair cut.
She had to see the hairdresser after she cut her bangs.
Me: "Emma, why do you keep doing that to yourself?"
Emmaly: "It was a dare."
Me: "Dare or not, stop cutting your hair."
The kids settle in real quick and Opa tells me Leo wants a fidget spinner real bad. Oh good, because we had bought one for them as well.
I call Leo and ask him if he wants a black or blue spinner and hold them in front of him to choose.
His eyes grow wide and he says: "No way!"
He chooses the blue one and is excited: "Daddy didn't want to buy us one, but now I have a fidget spinner anyway."
Emmaly is happy with hers and proclaims everyone in her class already had one. They all go off to play with their new toy and have a blast.
Bedtime comes way too fast, but they have more fun and play to look forward to.
Yup, tomorrow is another day they can spend together!
May 27, 2017.
All day long Kc has been on pins and needles for his siblings to arrive and spend their summer vacation down here.
Leo and Emmaly finally get here around 5:30 PM. They sure have grown, but that was to be expected.
She had to see the hairdresser after she cut her bangs.
Me: "Emma, why do you keep doing that to yourself?"
Emmaly: "It was a dare."
Me: "Dare or not, stop cutting your hair."
The kids settle in real quick and Opa tells me Leo wants a fidget spinner real bad. Oh good, because we had bought one for them as well.
His eyes grow wide and he says: "No way!"
He chooses the blue one and is excited: "Daddy didn't want to buy us one, but now I have a fidget spinner anyway."
Emmaly is happy with hers and proclaims everyone in her class already had one. They all go off to play with their new toy and have a blast.
Bedtime comes way too fast, but they have more fun and play to look forward to.
Yup, tomorrow is another day they can spend together!
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