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Good Evening!   Pulling out the bed-bugs teeth!  Good to see you.  Come back soon!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Little Man On A Mission

Date of occurrence:
September 3, 2008.

The funniest thing happened yesterday, when the kids and grand sons were over.

While everyone was gathered in the living-room, little Kc wandered off to the kitchen. Both I and his Mom heard him open one of the cabinets and we both got up to see what he was up to and get him out of there.

Before we reached the kitchen, he walked in the living-room, holding the large, plastic canister, where I keep the Cheerios in. He walked straight up to Opa, handed it to him and indicated by hitting on the table a few times, to put some on there. It was his way of asking.

The moment I saw him with the canister, I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. The firm hold he had on it, that determination in his walk, it was just too adorable and funny.

He even put the canister back where he got it. Yeah, he got some Cheerios. Who would want to stop a little man on a mission?

Not Oma! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning Lit'l Buddy,

You are learning well ? Proud the way you handled the occasion ? Glad you didn't jump up and down and be impatient like Mommy or Oma when things don't go as quick as you thought it should have ?

No I ain't saying bad things about your mommy or Oma ? Grandpaw ron has had experiences like that ! But I see that if you want to get what you want --just ask Opa and He'll take care of it ?
Good thinking and planning ?

grandpaw ron.

23/2/09 8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought about it and planned it as best as I could.
Ya know, Oma always says: You have a 'no', but you can get a 'yes'. It means as much as, if you don't try, or ask, you already know for sure, that it's never gonna happen. Try, or ask and the possibility is there, it will happen.

Well... she was right, haha.

We hope you are doing well. Many blessings for today and a hug from Leo and me.

24/2/09 7:08 AM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Lil KC is a very observant chap. He knows where the food is kept =)

27/2/09 3:07 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Oh yes! He knows, the best place to be is in the kitchen. grin.

God's Grace.

27/2/09 4:45 PM  

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