Nite-Nite Loves
Date of occurrence:
October 19, 2008.
Kc is over 2o months old.
I always look forward to that particular time in the evening, when the grand boys go to bed. Nite-nite time has become one of those precious moments. Noooo, not because our grand sons go to bed, even though the peace and quiet (should that occurs right away, haha) are nice for a change. It is because Lil' Kc makes the round and gives everyone a Good Night hug.
All cleaned up and in his pyjamas, he comes running in to the living room. His mom tells him, to give everyone 'Nite-nite loves'. He usually starts with our oldest daughter, who is sitting in a chair and is closest. Then it is my turn for a hug.
His little arms stretched out, which he drops right before he can put them around my neck. I don't know why he does that. Maybe he thinks it is too mushy, hehe. He turns his little head sideways and lays his cheek against mine. After a big cuddle, he moves on to Opa.
Since I am on the couch with Opa, he has to pass by me to give Opa his hug and pass by me again, on the way back. That suits me fine and I would not want it any other way.
It ensures, that I always get a second hug!! :-D
October 19, 2008.
Kc is over 2o months old.
I always look forward to that particular time in the evening, when the grand boys go to bed. Nite-nite time has become one of those precious moments. Noooo, not because our grand sons go to bed, even though the peace and quiet (should that occurs right away, haha) are nice for a change. It is because Lil' Kc makes the round and gives everyone a Good Night hug.
His little arms stretched out, which he drops right before he can put them around my neck. I don't know why he does that. Maybe he thinks it is too mushy, hehe. He turns his little head sideways and lays his cheek against mine. After a big cuddle, he moves on to Opa.
Since I am on the couch with Opa, he has to pass by me to give Opa his hug and pass by me again, on the way back. That suits me fine and I would not want it any other way.
It ensures, that I always get a second hug!! :-D
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