No Problem!
Date of occurence:
January 13, 2009.
Kc is 23 months old and Leo is almost 1 year old.
When both boys were over here yesterday, I was kind of curious. Their mom had said, they sometimes got in to a fight over the same toy. Yup, as small as they are, there is going to be conflict every now and then.
Since Leo is walking, he is faster in following his big brother around. And he follows him everywhere he goes, wants every toy he has, and would take away every bite Kc would get, if we let him. Big brother is on to him though.
They have a soft, foam toddler-couch, that folds out to a bed as well. Kc was unfolding and folding it, over and over again. Until... Leo planted himself firmly on it.
Hmmm, I thought I would see what happened and let them hack it out. No problem at all. When Kc found out he could not fold it up, because his sibling was in the way, he did not hesitate. He grabbed Leo by his feet and simply drug him off.
Problem solved!
January 13, 2009.
Kc is 23 months old and Leo is almost 1 year old.
When both boys were over here yesterday, I was kind of curious. Their mom had said, they sometimes got in to a fight over the same toy. Yup, as small as they are, there is going to be conflict every now and then.
They have a soft, foam toddler-couch, that folds out to a bed as well. Kc was unfolding and folding it, over and over again. Until... Leo planted himself firmly on it.
Problem solved!
They are so cute at this age. I have been trying to catch up with everyone. I hope all is well with you. Blessings.
We are fine thanks! Within a few months we will be the proud grandparents of a granddaughter!!! :-D
Blessing to you and yours!
God's Grace.
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