Round And Round And Round He Goes
Date of occurrence:
December 21, 2008.
Little Kc is almost 1 year and 11 months old.
I can only imagine how much fun it must be for those little ones to make new discoveries every day. Take our grandson Kc. He loves to climb in his Opa's chair when he gets the chance and sits in it like a king on his throne. Big grin, leaning back, his little hands resting on the arm leans.
The other day he found out by accident that the chair swivels. Wow, new game! He kept pushing it with one of his hands, walking round and round. All that time he is making a noise like he is flying an airplane: "Whheeeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, wheeeeeeeee". It is both fascinating and entertaining to watch him have fun with such a simple thing.
He stops and I expect him to be dizzy and stagger around for a while. Nope, it didn't phase him at all. He goes straight to what he wants; on to the next discovery or fun toy.
What if he can't find one? That is most unlikely, but should it happen, we will create one. :-)
December 21, 2008.
Little Kc is almost 1 year and 11 months old.
The other day he found out by accident that the chair swivels. Wow, new game! He kept pushing it with one of his hands, walking round and round. All that time he is making a noise like he is flying an airplane: "Whheeeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, wheeeeeeeee". It is both fascinating and entertaining to watch him have fun with such a simple thing.
He stops and I expect him to be dizzy and stagger around for a while. Nope, it didn't phase him at all. He goes straight to what he wants; on to the next discovery or fun toy.
What if he can't find one? That is most unlikely, but should it happen, we will create one. :-)
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