Paddy Cake
Date of occurrence:
March 10, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 1 month old and Leo is almost 13 and a half month old.
Paddy Cake, Paddy Cake
Baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it up, roll it up
Throw it in the pan!
Our youngest taught her boys how to do 'Paddycake'. It is so funny, when they try.
As soon as we start to sing, Leo claps his hands and since he does not have the rolling part quite down path, he slings his little arms every way.
Kc on the other hand, starts rolling his hands as soon as he hears the song. He conveniently skips the clapping part.
Apparently, Leo loves it. He even does it by himself. If it was up to him, we would have many so many cakes already baked and in the oven, we could fill up a storage building.
Opa and Oma would sample every one of them. :-)
March 10, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 1 month old and Leo is almost 13 and a half month old.
Paddy Cake, Paddy Cake
Baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
Roll it up, roll it up
Throw it in the pan!
Our youngest taught her boys how to do 'Paddycake'. It is so funny, when they try.

Kc on the other hand, starts rolling his hands as soon as he hears the song. He conveniently skips the clapping part.
Apparently, Leo loves it. He even does it by himself. If it was up to him, we would have many so many cakes already baked and in the oven, we could fill up a storage building.
Opa and Oma would sample every one of them. :-)
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