SpongeBob Smarty Pants
Date of occurrence:
February 15, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 1 week old and Leo is 1 year and 15 days old.
Little Kc's Birthday party went very well, last Sunday. The critter(s) got spoiled, as usual.
Since he is growing so fast, he got lots of clothes as well. It was funny to watch him unwrap his presents; he would dig in the gift bags. The toys were checked out and played with, the clothes got dumped behind him on the floor. He did not pay any attention to those. He will. He always shows us the prints on his T- shirts and he got plenty of show off. :-)
As I already mentioned before, he loves to watch SpongeBob Square Pants, he got a backpack, a hat and a T-shirt with this cartoon figure on it. After dressing him up and out, he looked like a little SpongeBob himself.
He did not like wearing the backpack, until he discovered how the zipper worked and he found out that the cars he got fit in there.
He sat down in my lap. Zipped and unzipped the backpack and took the cars out, one by one and showed them to me. We played with them and even staged a few minor car accidents. When it was time for him to go home, we put the cars back in the pack and he zipped it up himself.
And off he went, our little SpongeBob Smarty Pants. :-)
February 15, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 1 week old and Leo is 1 year and 15 days old.

Since he is growing so fast, he got lots of clothes as well. It was funny to watch him unwrap his presents; he would dig in the gift bags. The toys were checked out and played with, the clothes got dumped behind him on the floor. He did not pay any attention to those. He will. He always shows us the prints on his T- shirts and he got plenty of show off. :-)

He did not like wearing the backpack, until he discovered how the zipper worked and he found out that the cars he got fit in there.
And off he went, our little SpongeBob Smarty Pants. :-)
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