Sampling Coleslaw
Date of occurrence:
February 15, 2009.
Lil' Kc is two years and 1 week old and Leo is 1 year and 16 days old.
When Kc had his Birthday party, his mom had also brought a tub of coleslaw, in addition to the cake and other snacks. That was so sweet, she knows how much I love it.
During the party, I thought I would see if the boys liked it as well. Little Kc first. He took a bite and let out his approving "Hmmmm". After that, he was like a little bird, opening his mouth wide to get more. Oh good. One down, one to go.
Leo was next. He took a bite, chewed, tasted and swallowed. It is difficult to gage, whether he likes something, or not. He keeps a straight poker-face, or food-face in this case. Okayyy... since he swallowed it, he must like it. So, here is another bite.
He opened his mouth, took the spoonful of coleslaw, chewed and tasted. Then he opened his mouth wide and dumped the whole contents on the floor! To confirm his disapproval, he started shaking his head. Alright, Oma got the message. No more coleslaw for you, sigh.
Oh well, at least I got one grandson, who shares my coleslaw-passion. Who knows, maybe in time Leo will develop a taste for it too.
For now, let's talk chocolate! :-D
February 15, 2009.
Lil' Kc is two years and 1 week old and Leo is 1 year and 16 days old.

During the party, I thought I would see if the boys liked it as well. Little Kc first. He took a bite and let out his approving "Hmmmm". After that, he was like a little bird, opening his mouth wide to get more. Oh good. One down, one to go.
Leo was next. He took a bite, chewed, tasted and swallowed. It is difficult to gage, whether he likes something, or not. He keeps a straight poker-face, or food-face in this case. Okayyy... since he swallowed it, he must like it. So, here is another bite.
He opened his mouth, took the spoonful of coleslaw, chewed and tasted. Then he opened his mouth wide and dumped the whole contents on the floor! To confirm his disapproval, he started shaking his head. Alright, Oma got the message. No more coleslaw for you, sigh.
Oh well, at least I got one grandson, who shares my coleslaw-passion. Who knows, maybe in time Leo will develop a taste for it too.
For now, let's talk chocolate! :-D
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