A Light
Date of occurrence:
May 27, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and almost 4 months old.
When I know the boys are coming over I baby proof the house. We have three glass tea lights on the window sill in the kitchen and I usually put those up so lil' Leo will not wander of with them and potentially get hurt. This time however, I completely forget about them.
I saw lil' Kc wander off in the kitchen towards the window, but didn't think anything about it and he was back in no time. When I went to get them something to drink, I noticed the tea lights standing neatly lined up on the kitchen counter. It puzzled me, since I was pretty sure I had not put them there. I did have a suspicion though.
My suspicion was confirmed the next time the boys came over. I purposely had not put them up and yep, lil' Kc saw them, carefully picked them up one by one and took them over to the counter where he sat them out of his little sibling's reach. How clever.
I know he has seen me do that on multiple occassions and when he saw them still standing there, he made light work of it!
May 27, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and almost 4 months old.

I saw lil' Kc wander off in the kitchen towards the window, but didn't think anything about it and he was back in no time. When I went to get them something to drink, I noticed the tea lights standing neatly lined up on the kitchen counter. It puzzled me, since I was pretty sure I had not put them there. I did have a suspicion though.
My suspicion was confirmed the next time the boys came over. I purposely had not put them up and yep, lil' Kc saw them, carefully picked them up one by one and took them over to the counter where he sat them out of his little sibling's reach. How clever.
I know he has seen me do that on multiple occassions and when he saw them still standing there, he made light work of it!
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