Whach Ya Doing?
Date of occurrence:
May 24, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and three and a half months old.
Son in law dropped both boys off before going to work. After the usual hugs and pleasantries I got occupied with lil' Leo in the living room, while lil' Kc marched straight to the office to greet Opa who was at work.
I heard them conversing, but was not paying attention to what was said. It was probably 'men'-talk, hehe. All of a sudden Opa called out to me: "Oma, I just had the first real conversation with Kc!"
Thinking he was kidding, I answered: "Yeah, sure."
Opa:"No, I am serious. We had a real conversation!" and he told me what had happened and what was said.
Lil' Kc had come in to the office, saw Opa and with a big grin on his face he asked: "Heyyyy! Whach ya doing?"
Opa: "Hey, little man. I am not doing much, just working. What are you doing?"
Lil' Kc, throwing his hands in the air and shrugging: "I ain't doin anything."
He said it all so clear that Opa's jaw dropped to the floor.
Me: "Wow. Kc, did you just talk to Opa?"
He gave me the biggest smile accompanied with a "Yeahhhh" and a chuckle. Of course we had to celebrate that with a snack and a cup of orange juice.
With the exception of some sporadic words in understandable English, there was no repetition of any clear sentences coming out of that little mouth during the rest of the day. That's okay; we know he understands practically anything we say and tell him. It won't be long before we will understand practically anything he says and tells us.
Oma can't wait to hear what all goes on in that little mind of his! :-)
May 24, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and three and a half months old.
Son in law dropped both boys off before going to work. After the usual hugs and pleasantries I got occupied with lil' Leo in the living room, while lil' Kc marched straight to the office to greet Opa who was at work.
I heard them conversing, but was not paying attention to what was said. It was probably 'men'-talk, hehe. All of a sudden Opa called out to me: "Oma, I just had the first real conversation with Kc!"
Thinking he was kidding, I answered: "Yeah, sure."
Opa:"No, I am serious. We had a real conversation!" and he told me what had happened and what was said.
Opa: "Hey, little man. I am not doing much, just working. What are you doing?"
Lil' Kc, throwing his hands in the air and shrugging: "I ain't doin anything."
He said it all so clear that Opa's jaw dropped to the floor.
Me: "Wow. Kc, did you just talk to Opa?"
He gave me the biggest smile accompanied with a "Yeahhhh" and a chuckle. Of course we had to celebrate that with a snack and a cup of orange juice.
With the exception of some sporadic words in understandable English, there was no repetition of any clear sentences coming out of that little mouth during the rest of the day. That's okay; we know he understands practically anything we say and tell him. It won't be long before we will understand practically anything he says and tells us.
Oma can't wait to hear what all goes on in that little mind of his! :-)
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