Too Many Cooks?
Date of occurrence:
November 15, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 9 months old and Leo is 1 year and 9 months old.
We are grateful to at least be able to see pictures of our grandkids. Our oldest visits every now and then and takes as many as she can.
Little Emmy seems to be doing well and both boys are having fun. To them it must seem like a constant adventure; there are always new things and places to explore and check out.
Of course they already know that the kitchen is the best place to be; you never know what you will find behind door number 1.
Maybe door number 2 is hiding some mouth watering goodies. Nothing??? Wait, that can't be right. A further investigation is in order.
It does not take much imagination reconstructing the conversation between both boys.
"Hey, bro. Did you find anything?"
"Nope, nothing."
"You didn't? Are you sure you didn't eat it all by yourself?"
"Nooo! Did you?"
"Nooo! I haven't even found a pot to bang on."
Maybe there were too many cooks in the kitchen???
November 15, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 9 months old and Leo is 1 year and 9 months old.
We are grateful to at least be able to see pictures of our grandkids. Our oldest visits every now and then and takes as many as she can.
Little Emmy seems to be doing well and both boys are having fun. To them it must seem like a constant adventure; there are always new things and places to explore and check out.
Maybe door number 2 is hiding some mouth watering goodies. Nothing??? Wait, that can't be right. A further investigation is in order.
It does not take much imagination reconstructing the conversation between both boys.

"Nope, nothing."
"You didn't? Are you sure you didn't eat it all by yourself?"
"Nooo! Did you?"
"Nooo! I haven't even found a pot to bang on."
Maybe there were too many cooks in the kitchen???
dear corry, your sweet voice on my blog was just like a breath of fresh air.
it has been so long since i have been here and so i am curious why you don't see your grand kids other than in pictures and so i am going to read down your blog and see how things are going, terry
i miss grandpaw ron so much!
i rarely go to face book..i like blogging better!
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