Bubbling Santa
Date of occurrence:
February 24, 2011.
Ever since Christmas, the bubbles in the tub have been used to give our grandsons a totally new look and appearance. Hands full are scooped up and carefully adhered to their cheeks, chin and on their hair.
Especially our oldest grandson loves it, but most of all he enjoys the little song I sing that goes with his 'Santa Claus' look: "Kc got Santa Claus hair and a Santa Claus beard"
He pretends to be Santa Claus and tells me there are presents under the tree and how he wants this, that and the other. I tell him Santa will not be here soon, but much, much later. "Yes, he will be back, but you got to wait a long, long time".
Even though he accepts it, it doesn't prevent him from making a list. Good thinking; that way he won't forget and end up like his Oma who never knows what to ask, when it comes down to it.
This little Santa sure is leading by example! :-)
February 24, 2011.
Ever since Christmas, the bubbles in the tub have been used to give our grandsons a totally new look and appearance. Hands full are scooped up and carefully adhered to their cheeks, chin and on their hair.

He pretends to be Santa Claus and tells me there are presents under the tree and how he wants this, that and the other. I tell him Santa will not be here soon, but much, much later. "Yes, he will be back, but you got to wait a long, long time".
Even though he accepts it, it doesn't prevent him from making a list. Good thinking; that way he won't forget and end up like his Oma who never knows what to ask, when it comes down to it.
This little Santa sure is leading by example! :-)
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