Can I Help You, Little Man?
Date of occurrence:
May 5, 2011.
It is such a beautiful day and we decided to take the little guy to the Municipal Park, watch the ducks and let him play a little.
As soon as he saw the park's playground, he was excited and after a little exploring, he took off, climbed up, slid down and had a blast. It is obvious he is not really used to playing with children other then his siblings; he can just stand there and observe them.
We got to a large sandbox with a hand operated device in it that scooped up sand and deposited it where the kids turned it to. After showing Kc how it was done, he got the hang of it pretty quick and he played with it until he sat down and started playing in the sand himself.
Along comes this younger little boy, trying to figure out the mechanics of the machine. Out of the blue, Kc jumps up, walks over to him and asks: "Can I help you, little man?"
That last is a term of endearment both Opa and I use when talking to Kc. He obviously took to the boy and wanted to play with him. After a little prodding, he even asked the boy for his name, but the little critter had to leave and took off.
We all had a good time, but it made us wonder if our little man might be ready for pre-school?
May 5, 2011.

As soon as he saw the park's playground, he was excited and after a little exploring, he took off, climbed up, slid down and had a blast. It is obvious he is not really used to playing with children other then his siblings; he can just stand there and observe them.
We got to a large sandbox with a hand operated device in it that scooped up sand and deposited it where the kids turned it to. After showing Kc how it was done, he got the hang of it pretty quick and he played with it until he sat down and started playing in the sand himself.
Along comes this younger little boy, trying to figure out the mechanics of the machine. Out of the blue, Kc jumps up, walks over to him and asks: "Can I help you, little man?"
That last is a term of endearment both Opa and I use when talking to Kc. He obviously took to the boy and wanted to play with him. After a little prodding, he even asked the boy for his name, but the little critter had to leave and took off.
We all had a good time, but it made us wonder if our little man might be ready for pre-school?
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